Embedded Scientists

More efficiency through the symbiosis of research and industry

Embedded Scientist is a special format of cooperation with different options between one or more institutes of the research factory and industry. Basically, the goal is that companies 'send' selected developers / engineers to the research factory, so that they can conduct research together with our scientists and experts for a limited period of time, independent of their daily business. Doctorates are also possible and desired.

We already have good experience with the following variants:

Variant 1

The doctoral student remains on the payroll of the company, an MA with us is fully or partially co-financed, who works together with the doctoral student and also closely supervises him/her. Costs are incurred for a supervising employee and the supervision of the dissertation by the professor. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that you are working on projects whose content is largely determined by industrial companies. There are further possibilities for accompanying this variant: Apart from the doctoral student, other employees from the companies can be involved in the project. A "steering committee" develops and ensures the strategic orientation and content objectives over the course of the project. The performance of the research factory employees can be changed dynamically. The employees of the industrial companies are present in the research factory on a daily basis in designated rooms.

Variant 2

The doctoral student temporarily transfers to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the company pays his salary to the KIT and sometimes (50%) a supervisor from the research factory. The doctoral student is then integrated into the operation of our chair, for example, he or she participates in the 'Friday rounds' of all doctoral students and in the 'summer seminar'. But here too, work is carried out on tasks set by the company.

Variant 3

The doctoral student works exclusively for the company, we receive a fee for an 'accompanying project', i.e. the scientific monitoring of the topic, and the doctoral student gives two lectures a year in the research factory on the progress of the work.